There is a growing interest across the UK in using deliberative engagement to enhance the quality of our democracy. In many areas of the country, however, the practice is still relatively new. To help build the capacity of the public sector and civil society in Northern Ireland to appreciate the potential of deliberative engagement practices and be able to identify opportunities for this within their own work, Involve will be running a series of free training events in September and October 2018.
These have been funded by the Building Change Trust and the Northern Ireland Open Government Network and are open to people working in government and public administration, and civil society groups working to enhance democratic participation in Northern Ireland.
The training will introduce participants to the concepts, principles and practices of deliberative public engagement and its relationship to other forms of engagement. It will focus on how to design successful deliberative engagement processes, the different methods and tools that can be applied, and practically how to plan and facilitate a deliberative process.
Expected outcomes for participants:
- An understanding of the key principles and concepts of deliberative public engagement;
- Knowledge of the range of different methods, and their strengths and weaknesses;
- The ability to effectively identify opportunities for deliberative engagement;
- The skills to apply these concepts, principles, and practices in their day-to-day work.
The training is offered in two parts:
- A 2-day training programme covering the principles and practices of deliberative public engagement (participants are expected to attend both days). Each training day will run from 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. This training is being offered twice:
- 27 & 28 September 2018 at The Skainos Centre, Belfast
- 2 & 3 October 2018 at the Ormeau Baths, Belfast
- An optional third day, for participants in either of the above courses, focussed on developing practical facilitation skills for public dialogue and deliberation: 4 October 2018 at the Ormeau Baths, Belfast
To register
As places are limited, and demand is expected to be high, we are currently seeking expressions of interest in participating to ensure a diverse range of groups and organisations are able to take up these opportunities.
- To find out more about the course and register your interest for the 2-day Deliberative Public Engagement Training on the 2 & 3 October 2018 at the Ormeau Baths, click here.
- To find out more and register your interest for the 2-day Deliberative Public Engagement Training on the 27 & 28 September 2018 at The Skainos Centre, click here.
- If you are also interested in attending the 1-day Facilitating Public Dialogue and Deliberation Training on the 4 October 2018 at the Ormeau Baths click here (but please register for one of the other sessions first).